Experience our wide range of home, small business and enterprise solutions : you can have it all with world-class technical teams and support systems ensuring outstanding service
Automatic translation to over ninety (90) languages from the footer language selector ; plus thirteen (13) natively accepted currencies.
Fair policies, limit-less transfer allowances on hinder-free service : want to host a server or share with a neighbour? Go Right Ahead!
You can have it all (but you don't have to). Choose whatever you need: Internet, phone or TV. We make it easy, and our 150 Mbps makes it fast. You can get everything on one bill from one provider or choose whatever you want, no long term contracts, no commitments, no catch - just the best capability products and services available.
You can get blazing fast and reliable internet service, CRTC-regulated IPTV programming and home phone with E-911. We choose with only the highest quality and forward-thinking partners : not just the cheapest and/or oversubscribed product available. Watch from any connected device or build a package that best suits you.